
Sep 3, 2024

Published Date: 2021-01-25T19:15Z
Last Modified: 2024-02-21T20:39Z

CVSS Score: 7.7 (HIGH)

EPSS Score: 0.08%

Risk Score: 5.39 (HIGH)

Risk Score based on CVSS score and EPSS. This score is for reference purposes and is not internationally recognized.

Meter Needle
CVSS: 7.7  |  EPSS: 0.08%

Description: ORAS is open source software which enables a way to push OCI Artifacts to OCI Conformant registries. ORAS is both a CLI for initial testing and a Go Module. In ORAS from version 0.4.0 and before version 0.9.0, there is a “zip-slip” vulnerability. The directory support feature allows the downloaded gzipped tarballs to be automatically extracted to the user-specified directory where the tarball can have symbolic links and hard links. A well-crafted tarball or tarballs allow malicious artifact providers linking, writing, or overwriting specific files on the host filesystem outside of the user-specified directory unexpectedly with the same permissions as the user who runs `oras pull`. Users of the affected versions are impacted if they are `oras` CLI users who runs `oras pull`, or if they are Go programs, which invoke ``. The problem has been fixed in version 0.9.0. For `oras` CLI users, there is no workarounds other than pulling from a trusted artifact provider. For `oras` package users, the workaround is to not use ``, and use other content stores instead, or pull from a trusted artifact provider.

Mitre ATT&CK Technical v15.1

T1153 – Source
T1592.002 – Software
T1053.002 – At

Technical Analysis & Mitigation Measures

Reference Links

Vendor - Produce - Version

oras - deislabs


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