
Sep 3, 2024

Published Date: 2021-03-09T15:15Z
Last Modified: 2022-06-13T19:57Z

CVSS Score: 8.8 (HIGH)

EPSS Score: 1.81%

Risk Score: 6.17 (HIGH)

Risk Score based on CVSS score and EPSS. This score is for reference purposes and is not internationally recognized.

Meter Needle
CVSS: 8.8  |  EPSS: 1.81%

Description: SAP MII allows users to create dashboards and save them as JSP through the SSCE (Self Service Composition Environment). An attacker can intercept a request to the server, inject malicious JSP code in the request and forward to server. When this dashboard is opened by users having at least SAP_XMII Developer role, malicious content in the dashboard gets executed, leading to remote code execution in the server, which allows privilege escalation. The malicious JSP code can contain certain OS commands, through which an attacker can read sensitive files in the server, modify files or even delete contents in the server thus compromising the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the server hosting the SAP MII application. Also, an attacker authenticated as a developer can use the application to upload and execute a file which will permit them to execute operating systems commands completely compromising the server hosting the application.

Mitre ATT&CK Technical v15.1

T1583.004 – Server
T1584.004 – Server
T1053.002 – At

Technical Analysis & Mitigation Measures

Reference Links

Vendor - Produce - Version

manufacturing_integration_and_intelligence - sap, manufacturing_integration_and_intelligence - sap, manufacturing_integration_and_intelligence - sap, manufacturing_integration_and_intelligence - sap


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