Automated Data Update Process: Mapping NVD Data with MITRE ATT&CK and AI-Driven Analysis for High-Risk CVEs

Sep 9, 2024 | Stories

The process of updating CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) data from NVD (National Vulnerability Database) and mapping it with MITRE ATT&CK is crucial to maintaining the accuracy and relevance of cybersecurity information. This process involves integrating data about new and modified CVEs with known attack techniques, enabling a comprehensive understanding of how specific vulnerabilities can be exploited by cyber threats. Additionally, AI-driven technical analysis and mitigation measures are automatically generated for CVEs rated as “HIGH” and “CRITICAL,” enhancing both response speed and risk management.

Step 1: Collecting Data from NVD and MITRE ATT&CK

Once a week, the system automatically pulls updated CVE data from the NVD. This includes new vulnerabilities and any changes to existing CVEs, which are acquired via the NVD API or downloaded as JSON files. These files contain essential details such as descriptions, CVSS scores, severity levels, and links to relevant documentation.

Once the NVD data is collected, it is mapped with MITRE ATT&CK, a framework that identifies and categorizes various tactics and techniques used by cyber attackers. This mapping process enables the system to correlate specific vulnerabilities with the attack techniques they may be associated with, giving cybersecurity teams a clearer view of potential attack vectors for each CVE.

Step 2: Updating New and Modified CVEs

Each week, any new or modified CVEs are automatically updated within the system’s database. Once detected, the system stores the relevant data and integrates it into articles or posts on the website ( This ensures that users have access to the latest, most accurate information regarding both new vulnerabilities and any updates to previously reported CVEs.

This regular update process helps maintain high-quality data integrity and provides timely, critical security insights to site visitors. It also ensures that information on vulnerabilities remains current and relevant for defensive planning.

Step 3: AI-Driven Technical Analysis and Mitigation for High-Risk CVEs

For CVEs rated as “HIGH” or “CRITICAL,” the system leverages AI to automatically generate detailed technical analyses and recommended mitigation measures. The AI uses the data from NVD and MITRE ATT&CK to create comprehensive reports on how specific vulnerabilities can be exploited, as well as how organizations can defend against potential attacks.

The automatic generation of these technical articles saves cybersecurity professionals valuable time, reducing the need for manual research and drafting. The AI-generated content offers practical insights into both exploitation techniques and preventative actions that organizations can implement to minimize risks.