
Sep 3, 2024

Published Date: 2021-03-23T00:15Z
Last Modified: 2023-11-07T03:29Z

CVSS Score: 7.5 (HIGH)

EPSS Score: 0.54%

Risk Score: 5.25 (HIGH)

Risk Score based on CVSS score and EPSS. This score is for reference purposes and is not internationally recognized.

Meter Needle
CVSS: 7.5  |  EPSS: 0.54%

Description: XStream is a Java library to serialize objects to XML and back again. In XStream before version 1.4.16, there is a vulnerability where the processed stream at unmarshalling time contains type information to recreate the formerly written objects. XStream creates therefore new instances based on these type information. An attacker can manipulate the processed input stream and replace or inject objects, that result in the deletion of a file on the local host. No user is affected, who followed the recommendation to setup XStream’s security framework with a whitelist limited to the minimal required types. If you rely on XStream’s default blacklist of the Security Framework, you will have to use at least version 1.4.16.

Mitre ATT&CK Technical v15.1

T1053.002 – At

Technical Analysis & Mitigation Measures

Reference Links

Vendor - Produce - Version

xstream - xstream_project, debian_linux - debian, debian_linux - debian, debian_linux - debian, fedora - fedoraproject, fedora - fedoraproject, fedora - fedoraproject, banking_platform - oracle, webcenter_portal - oracle, webcenter_portal - oracle, communications_unified_inventory_management - oracle, communications_unified_inventory_management - oracle, communications_unified_inventory_management - oracle, communications_unified_inventory_management - oracle, communications_policy_management - oracle, webcenter_portal - oracle, banking_platform - oracle, banking_platform - oracle, banking_virtual_account_management - oracle, communications_billing_and_revenue_management_elastic_charging_engine - oracle, business_activity_monitoring - oracle, business_activity_monitoring - oracle, business_activity_monitoring - oracle, communications_unified_inventory_management - oracle, retail_xstore_point_of_service - oracle, retail_xstore_point_of_service - oracle, retail_xstore_point_of_service - oracle, retail_xstore_point_of_service - oracle, banking_platform - oracle, banking_virtual_account_management - oracle, banking_virtual_account_management - oracle, banking_enterprise_default_management - oracle, banking_enterprise_default_management - oracle


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