
Sep 3, 2024

Published Date: 2021-05-10T20:15Z
Last Modified: 2022-10-24T20:46Z

CVSS Score: 5.5 (MEDIUM)

EPSS Score: 0.07%

Risk Score: 3.85 (MEDIUM)

Risk Score based on CVSS score and EPSS. This score is for reference purposes and is not internationally recognized.

Meter Needle
CVSS: 5.5  |  EPSS: 0.07%

Description: OpenAPI Generator allows generation of API client libraries (SDK generation), server stubs, documentation and configuration automatically given an OpenAPI Spec. Using `File.createTempFile` in JDK will result in creating and using insecure temporary files that can leave application and system data vulnerable to attacks. Auto-generated code (Java, Scala) that deals with uploading or downloading binary data through API endpoints will create insecure temporary files during the process. Affected generators: `java` (jersey2, okhttp-gson (default library)), `scala-finch`. The issue has been patched with `Files.createTempFile` and released in the v5.1.0 stable version.

Mitre ATT&CK Technical v15.1

T1583.004 – Server
T1584.004 – Server
T1053.002 – At

Technical Analysis & Mitigation Measures

Reference Links

Vendor - Produce - Version

openapi_generator - openapi-generator


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